
The useDragLayer function provides a way to connect your component to DnD as a drag layer.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useDragLayer } from 'vue3-dnd'

const collectedProps = useDragLayer(monitor => ({
       item: monitor.getItem(),

copy success


The argument to useDragLayer is a collect collection function, which should return a plain object that you can use in your component.

The argument to the collect collection function is a DragLayerMonitor object, which provides some monitor methods so that you can get the monitor's status. The types of the collect function are as follows:

(monitor: DragLayerMonitor) => (void | object)
copy success

return value

useDragLayer returns a Ref object, which is the return value of the collect function.

  • Collected Props - Ref<object>
    • It is a Ref object whose value points to the return value of the collect function.