
The useDrag function provides a way to connect your component to DnD as a drag source. It receives a Specification, you can specify the type of dragging through type, the data of the drag source through item, get the drag status through collect, and so on.

useDrag returns three values: the return value of the collect function, the connector functions of dragSource and dragPreview.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useDrag } from 'vue3-dnd'

const [collectedProps, dragSource, dragPreview] = useDrag(() => ({
type: 'BOX',
item: { id: '1' },

<div v-if="collectedProps.isDragging" :ref="dragPreview">dragPreview</div>
<div v-else :ref="dragSource">dragSource</div>
copy success


The parameter of useDrag can be a Specification object or a function that returns a Specification object. For more information about Specification, please refer to Specification.

return value

useDrag returns an array containing three values: the return value of the collect function, the connector functions of dragSource and dragPreview

  • [0] - Collected Props

    • Ref<object>
      copy success
    • It is a Ref object, its value points to the return value of the collect function, if the collect function is not defined, its value is an empty object
  • [1] - DragSource Connector

    • (el: Ref<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement, options?: DragSourceOptions) => HTMLElement
      copy success
    • Drag and drop the source's connector function. It must be called, and pass a draggable DOM element of Ref<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement;
    • The second parameter is an options object, which is consistent with the options of the Specification object
  • [2] - DragPreview Connector

    • (el: Ref<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement, options?: DragPreviewOptions) => HTMLElement
      copy success
    • Drag and drop previewed connector functions. It is optional, default uses dragSource as preview element, receives a draggable DOM element of Ref<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement;
    • The second parameter is an options object, which is consistent with the previewOptions of the Specification object

Specification object

Before understanding the basic usage of the Specification object, you may need to understand the DragSourceMonitor object first.

typeisstring | symboltype of dragged element
itemisobject | () => objectobject, it is a plain JavaScript object describing the dragged data.
This is the only information available about the drag source for the drag target, so it's important to choose the minimum data they need to know. You might be tempted to place a complex reference here, but you should try to avoid doing so as it couples the drag source and drop target. It's a good idea to use something like { id }.
function, it is fired when the drag operation begins and returns an object representing the drag operation. If null is returned, the drag operation is canceled.
collectno(monitor: DragSourceMonitor) => CollectedPropsA function for a collector. It should return a plain object and be the first item in the return value of useDrag.
previewOptionsnoDragPreviewOptionsA plain JavaScript object describing drag preview options.
optionsnoDragSourceOptionsA plain object, optionally containing any of the following properties:
dropEffect: optional, the type of drop effect used in this drag. Optional values: 'move' | 'copy'
endno(draggedItem: object, monitor: DragSourceMonitor) => voidThe end function is called when the dragging stops.
You can call monitor.didDrop() to check if the drop was successful; if it was successful, and the drop target specifies the drop result by returning a plain object from its drop() method, then it will As the return value of monitor.getDropResult().
This method is a good place to handle data changes.
canDragnoboolean | (monitor: DragSourceMonitor) => booleanYou can use this to specify whether dragging is currently allowed. Defaults to true.
Specifying a function is convenient if you want to disable dragging based on some condition.
Note: You cannot call monitor.canDrag() inside this method.
isDraggingnoboolean | (monitor: DragSourceMonitor) => booleanBy default, only the drag source that initiated the drag operation is considered to be dragged.
You can override this behavior by defining a custom isDragging method. It may return something like === monitor.getItem().id.
Note: You cannot call monitor.isDragging() inside this method.