
DragSourceMonitor is the object passed to DragSource drag source. It provides methods that allow you to get some state information about the drag source. The specific drag source bound to this monitor is referred to below as the monitor's owner.


method nametypedescription
canDrag()() => booleantrue if no drag operation is in progress and the canDrag() method of the owner useDrag returns true or undefined , otherwise return false`.
isDragging()() => booleanIf a drag operation is in progress and the owner is being dragged, or the isDragging() method of useDrag returns true, this method will Will return true, otherwise return false.
getItemType()() => (string | null)Returns the type type that identifies the currently dragged item. Returns null if no item was dragged.
getItem()() => (object | null)Returns a plain object representing the currently dragged item. Each drag source must be specified by specifying it from its item property. Returns null if no item was dragged.
getDropResult()() => (object | null)Returns a plain object representing the drop result of the last record.
Drop targets can be specified by returning an object from their drop() method.
When the drop target is a nested target, any parent object that explicitly returns its own result from drop() overrides the drop result previously set by the child object.
It can only be called inside end(), if called outside end() it will return null.
didDrop()() => booleanReturns true if a drop target has handled the drop event, false otherwise. didDrop() returns true even if the target does not return a drop result.
It can be used in end() to check if a drop target has handled the drag. Returns false if called outside end().
getInitialClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the initial position {x, y} of the mouse pointer relative to the client at the start of the current drag.
If no item was dragged, null is returned.
getInitialSourceClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the initial position of the root DOM node of the drag source relative to the client when the current drag starts {x, y} .
If no item was dragged, null is returned.
getClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the offset of the mouse pointer relative to the client of the drag start point {x, y}.
If no item was dragged, null is returned.
getDifferenceFromInitialOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the offset of the mouse pointer in the current drag relative to the mouse pointer position when the drag started {x, y} .
If no item was dragged, null is returned.
getSourceClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the offset {x, y} of the root DOM node of the current drag source relative to the client.
If no item was dragged, null is returned.
Note, if you need to get the real-time trajectory (real-time Offset) of the mouse, you should pay attention to the callbacks in DropTargetMonitor, such as hover