
DragLayerMonitor is the object passed to the DragLayer drag layer collect collection function. It provides methods that allow you to get global drag and drop state information.


method nametypedescription
isDragging()() => booleanIf a drag operation is in progress and the owner is being dragged, or the isDragging() method of useDrag returns true, this method will Will return true, otherwise return false.
getItemType()() => (string | null)Returns the type type that identifies the currently dragged item. Returns null if no item was dragged.
getItem()() => (object | null)Returns a plain object representing the currently dragged item. Each drag source must be specified by specifying it from its item property. Returns null if no item was dragged.
getInitialClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the initial position {x, y} of the mouse pointer relative to the client at the start of the current drag.
Returns null if no item was dragged.
getInitialSourceClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the initial position of the root DOM node of the drag source relative to the client when the current drag starts {x, y} .
Returns null if no item was dragged.
getClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the offset of the mouse pointer relative to the client in the current drag {x, y}.
Returns null if no item was dragged.
getDifferenceFromInitialOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the offset of the mouse pointer in the current drag relative to the mouse pointer position when the drag started {x, y} .
Returns null if no item was dragged.
getSourceClientOffset()() => { x: number, y: number }Returns the offset {x, y} of the root DOM node of the current drag source relative to the client.
Returns null if no item was dragged.