This is Backend primarily supported by react-dnd. It uses the Drag and Drop events of HTML5 under the hood. And dealt with some of its problems.


npm install react-dnd-html5-backend
copy success

Extra Features

In addition to the exported Backend, HTML5 Backend provides some additional features:

  • getEmptyImage(): It is a function that returns a transparent empty image. Used to use DragSource's dragPreview connector to completely hide the drag preview drawn by the browser. Easy to draw custom drag layer DragLayer. Note that custom drag previews do not work in IE.
  • NativeTypes: an enumeration of three constant NativeTypes. NativeTypes.FILE, NativeTypes.URL and NativeTypes.TEXT. You can specify these types for drop targets to handle drag-and-drop of local files, urls, or regular page text.


<script setup lang="ts">
import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'
import { DndProvider } from 'vue3-dnd'

  <DndProvider :backend="HTML5Backend">
    <!-- your drag-and-drop application -->
copy success

When you call getItem() on the monitor monitor, HTML5 Backend exposes various data in the event according to the drop type:

  • NativeTypes.FILE:
    • getItem().files, an array containing the dragged files
    • getItem().items, use event.dataTransfer.items (you can use this to list files when deleting a directory)
  • NativeTypes.URL:
    • getItem().url, an array containing the dragged URLs
  • NativeTypes.TEXT:
    • getItem().text, the dragged text