
HTML5 Backend does not support touch events. So it doesn't work on tablets and mobile devices. You can use react-dnd-touch-backend for touch devices.


npm install react-dnd-touch-backend
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<script setup lang="ts">
import { TouchBackend, TouchBackendOptions } from 'react-dnd-touch-backend'
import { DndProvider } from 'vue3-dnd'

const options: TouchBackendOptions = {


  <DndProvider :backend="TouchBackend" :options="options">
    <!-- your drag-and-drop application -->
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| Key | Type | Default | Description | |----------------------|------------------------------------ ------------|-------------|------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------| | enableTouchEvents | boolean | true | Flag indicating whether touch-based event handling is enabled. | | enableMouseEvents | boolean | false | Flag indicating whether click-based event handling is enabled.
NOTE: This is wrong due to the difference between touchstart/touchend event propagation and mousedown/mouseup/click. | | enableKeyboardEvents | boolean | false | Flag indicating whether keyboard event handling is enabled. | | delay | number | 0 | The number of milliseconds to delay processing all events. | | delayTouchStart | number | 0 | The number of milliseconds to delay processing touch events. | | delayMouseStart | number | 0 | The number of milliseconds to delay processing mouse events. | | touchSlop | number | 0 | Specifies the pixel distance to move before signaling a drag. | | ignoreContextMenu | boolean | false | If true, prevents the contextmenu event from canceling the drag. | | scrollAngleRanges | { start?: number, end?: number }[] | undefined | Specifies the range of angles (in degrees) for which drag events should be ignored. This is useful when you want to allow the user to scroll in a specific direction instead of dragging. The degrees move clockwise, with 0/360 pointing to the left. |

// allow vertical scrolling
const options = {
  scrollAngleRanges: [
    { start: 30, end: 150 },
    { start: 210, end: 330 }
// allow horizontal scrolling
const options = {
  scrollAngleRanges: [{ start: 300 }, { end: 60 }, { start: 120, end: 240 }]
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enableHoverOutsideTargetbooleanundefinedContinue dragging the currently dragged element when the pointer leaves the DropTarget area.
getDropTargetElementsAtPointbooleanundefinedUse document.elementsFromPoint or a polyfill. Specify a custom function to find the drop target element at a given point. Useful for improving performance in environments where document.elementsFromPoint is not available (iOS Safari). .
const hasNative =
  document && (document.elementsFromPoint || document.msElementsFromPoint)

function getDropTargetElementsAtPoint(x, y, dropTargets) {
  return dropTargets.filter((t) => {
    const rect = t.getBoundingClientRect()
    return (
      x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right && y <= rect.bottom && y >=

// use custom function only if elementsFromPoint is not supported
const backendOptions = {
  getDropTargetElementsAtPoint: !hasNative && getDropTargetElementsAtPoint
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